The designs and guide below are from the creative protest in New York organized by individual theatre-makers and FRIENDS OF THE FREEDOM THEATRE USA, NOOR THEATRE, AL LÍMITE COLLECTIVE, NATIONAL QUEER THEATRE, THEATRE OF THE OPPRESSED NYC and QUEERS FOR A LIBERATED PALESTINE.
The poppy is native to Palestine and is often recognised as the national flower. It represents Palestinians' connection between life and the land. It is the same colours as the Palestinian flag – red, green, black and white. Often depicted in Palestinian art and literature, different regions of Palestine have adopted their own names for the flower. In the north, it is called Hannoun, Arabic for "passionate"; in the south, shakik, meaning "brother". The flower has become a sign of solidarity with Palestinians. It also symbolises bloodshed or “martyr's blood” as a recognition of Palestinians who have been killed.

Red tissue paper
Black tissue paper
short pvc pipes, dowels or sticks
Hot glue gun
Green paint or green tissue paper

If using a PVC pipe or stick as the stalk of the flower, paint them all green and set them to dry
Take three sheets of red tissue paper or different shades of red, stack them and squeeze at the centre.
Tie a ribbon around the centre and then pull out the sheets and turn them up like a flower
Glue the corners of the paper to each other so they hold the shape, round and complete
For the centre, make a little ball of black tissue paper with thin strands of black tied at the centre
When the sticks are dry, use hot glue to glue to the flower to them using the ribbon