'The 3rd Intifada will be
a cultural Intifada'
Join a global artistic movement!
The Cultural Intifada amplifies a global movement of creative resistance against genocide, ethnic cleansing, occupation, and apartheid in Palestine.
Born from the question, “What can I do?”, we invite you to be inspired and join the fight for justice, equality, and a free Palestine through arts.
With learning resources, a creative toolbox and guides to action, we connect you to the work of hundreds of artists, activists, academics, journalists, and human rights groups.
As the erasure of Palestinian cultural identity and the silencing of dissent continues, we also share research on censorship, demands against cultural genocide, and testimonies for public reading from artists under attack.
Get involved and join a global movement!
Read and perform testimonies from Palestinian artists who have experienced imprisonment
and persecution.​
Fourteen areas of cultural genocide and artistic censorship and demands you can mobilise around to put an end to it.
A beginners guide to taking action with examples of action to inspire your own.
Further learning, practical resources, and collected reading and watching lists.
Updates on recently imprisoned artists, including Mustafa Sheta and attacks on The Freedom Theatre
Mustafa Sheta, producer of The Freedom Theatre, was taken by the Israeli army on December 13th and continues to be held without charge or trial.
Find out more about Palestine's first ever virtual reality film, speaking out about artistic censorship.
The Cultural Intifada is put together by Artists On The Frontline.
We have collaborated with, reference, or point you in the direction of the research, creative actions, and cultural outputs of hundreds of artists, academics, activists, journalists, protest movements, and human rights groups. They are named next to their work, which is independent of us and each other.
The website's main image is from Artists Against Apartheid by Kael Abello. By hovering over other images, you can see the names of those who created them.
We thank the many people who continue to inspire, feedback, and help develop this project.